Apr 17, 2010

It's a BOY


Can't wait to find out!!

Mark's Aunt, Uncle, Grandmother, and Mother came to celebrate the special day!

Proud Nona and PopPop ready to find out what to call our little sweetheart

GORGEOUS cake with the envelope containing the U/S picture!

We had special plates and napkins made for the day.

Drum Roll Please....

It's BLUE!!

Of course we had the Dom to celebrate!

Inside of the cake

Daisy Mae's Big Sister shirt

Coming Soon... Baby BOY Prewitt
Grayson Alexander Prewitt
We finally have the news we have been waiting for the last 20 weeks. Our baby is a BOY!!! We invited our friends and family to a "Gender Reveal Party" at our home today. Mark and I had an U/S a few days ago, and had the technician put the U/S picture revealing the sex into an envelope. We then took the sealed envelope to a local cake baker, and had them bake a cake based on what was in the envelope. Pink batter for a girl and blue for a boy. We then gathered around family and friends and cut into a VERY BLUE cake!! We are SO excited for Grayson Alexander Prewitt to arrive in late Aug/early Sept :-) We LOVE you baby boy! xoxoxo

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