Jul 16, 2010

Trip to Fairhope

We decided to come to Fairhope this weekend for a little getaway, and to visit Gray, Burton, Poppa and Charlie before Grayson arrives. Burton surprised me with a 1 hr massage at the Grand Hotel, which was AMAZING! The lady performing my massage had also had her twins at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, and assured me that the staff is the BEST! This made me feel much better hearing it from someone who had been there :-)
 The rest of the weekend was filled with shopping at the outlet mall for Grayson. I think he has enough clothes to last him until he is at least 2 ;-) We also enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Poppa and Charlie at the Yacht Club before we left. Everyone is VERY excited for Grayson to make his entrance.
Burton and Linds

Thanks Poppa and Charlie for the baby monitor

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