Dec 30, 2010

Christmas #2 in Fairhope

Grayson's outfit for the Yacht Club

Silly Boy

More clothes :-)

Granddaddy's picture from Grayson. He is wearing 3 of Grandaddy's baby outfits

Avery, Me, Grayson, and KK

Princess Kailyn

Sweet cousins

Poppa and Charlie with their great grandbabies

Poppa and Grayson

Grayson with his silver rattle from Poppa and Charlie

Charlie and Grayson- Love this picture
BeBe holding Grayson on Tonto the pony

KK, Grayson and Avery on Tonto

Daddy, BeBe, Grayson and Mommy at the Yacht Club

Avery Bug taking a picture

Family pic with Tonto

Daddy and Grayson

Sitting in the car for a bit to warm up

Lawren came over to see Grayson

Sweet baby

Helping Avery take a picture... Cheese!

Our sweet friends, Jenny and Charles came to meet Grayson

Daddy and Grayson ready for the Yacht Club

Proud BeBe and Grandaddy

Yacht Club Christmas Tree

Peyton and Grayson
Christmas for the Prewitt family continued on Dec 27th when we headed down to Fairhope, AL to visit Grandaddy and BeBe, and for Grayson to meet Poppa and Charlie for the first time! We had a great drive down with only a few stops needed for diapers and bottles. Once we arrived, Grayson's uncle Scott, his girlfriend Rosie, and the girls had already arrived. We had a great time opening presents, talking, and cooking steaks on the grill. The next few days were filled with opening more presents, visiting the horses, and going to the Yacht Club. We had such a wonderful visit and it was great getting to see Poppa and Charlie! Thank you all for a GREAT trip!

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