Dec 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had such a wonderful first Christmas with Grayson and our family. My mom (Nona) got here on the 19th, and then Gerry from Las Vegas on the 23rd. I loved seeing my brother interact with Grayson. He is a great Uncle!! He even volunteered to change some very messy diapers, and he was a PRO!!
Mark's mom (Grandmom) also came over on the 23rd to celebrate Grayson's First Christmas. We had my moms awesome tacos that night followed by a few rounds of Battle of the Sexes and Apples to Apples. The next couple of days were filled with last minute shopping, more game playing, cooking, and of course lots of eating!! Mark and I had a great time playing Santa. We put out a plate of nibbled on cookies and a glass of milk, along with a note to Grayson from Santa. Putting out his Christmas presents we realized that we went a little overboard, but we figured that he only has ONE First Christmas ;-)
We had a great time watching him attempt to open presents. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed helping him open them too ;-) During present opening he got sleepy, and because there were SO many presents we had to take an intermission to cook, and open the rest after dinner. Oh, and to top off the day... We had a WHITE CHRISTMAS!! The first one in Atlanta since 1886! We like to think that our sweet girl Daisy sent it to us. She enjoyed her first time in the snow last year, so she wanted to make sure Grayson did too!
Our First Family Christmas 2010

Grandaddy and Daddy showing Grayson the train

Christmas Eve jammies

View from the balcony

All the Loot!

Santa's cookies, milk, and note from Grayson

Merry Christmas Daisy Mae! We miss and love you very much xo

Santa's reply to Grayson's note

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning

Christmas kisses from Mommy


Grandmom and Grayson

Uncle Gerry and Grayson

Our backyard with snow

Love my little man!

Grayson with his Harrod's bear from Jackie in England

Grayson's personalized Christmas book from Mommy and Daddy

What could this be?

Working hard!

Freddy the frog from Nona and PopPop

Christmas ornament from Grandmom

Adorable hat from Uncle Gerry

Has anyone seen Grayson??

Oh... There he is in the middle of ALL of his loot ;-)

"Are you talking to me?"
Our snow angel

Merry Christmas Everyone! Love, Grayson xo
It was a WONDERFUL First Christmas!!

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