Feb 13, 2011


Before I became pregnant with Grayson, I found this wonderful message board for women dealing with Infertility. We all became very close, and always hoped we would meet one day. Well... fast forward over 2 yrs, and I got to meet one of the girls, Jennifer, who lives in Marietta. We met at Panera bread for lunch, and then took our boys over to Gymboree Play and Learn. Grayson and Bryce are exactly 1 month apart, and had such a blast playing together. I really enjoyed talking with Jen and getting to know her even more. It is so funny how you feel like you know someone so well before you even meet them after chatting online for so long. I can't wait for us to get together again!  Here are some of the awesome pics I got of the boys playing :-)
My Big boy sitting up all by himself :-)

They are SO cute!

Wonder what they are chatting about?

He loved the balls

He did SO great with knocking the ball off the cone

Jen, Bryce, Grayson and I at Gymboree

Grayson doing his crunches ;-)

Hi Mom!

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