Mar 1, 2011

6 Months Old

My oh my where has the time gone! Grayson turned 6 months old today! Seems like yesterday I was holding my precious baby boy in my arms for the first time. He is growing and changing everyday. He is rolling in both directions and sitting up all by himself for 20-30 min at a time. He loves playing with his toys, and absolutely loves bath time. I can't believe we are getting ready to start trying a sippy cup soon as well as juice and solid foods. We attempted rice cereal and sweet potatoes about a month ago, but he was not crazy about them. So, we are going to reintroduce them after his 6 month appt next week. I have been feeling a little under the weather, so I stayed home today. I had such a great time playing with my little man. He is SO fun! I  He is learning his name and says Mama every once in a while. We are working on Dada too :-) Here are some pics to mark Grayson's 6 month birthday!
Ready for the beach and Las Vegas

Love those Baby Blues

G is for Grayson :-)

Growing up SO fast!

6 month old

Grayson with Freddie the Frog

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