Mar 12, 2011

Grayson's First MSU Basketball Game

Thanks to Daddy's partners at GP and KPMG, we were able to get box seats to the SEC tournament in the GA Dome and watch our beloved bulldogs play basketball. We were a little nervous about how Grayson was going to do since the game did not start until 10:00 pm, but he was PERFECT! We actually had the entire suite to ourselves, so we were able to spread his things out so he could play. We got to the suite about 30 min before the game started, and he was able to make it about 5 min into the first half before he fell asleep. We ended up losing to Vandy by 6 points, but we were up by 6 when Grayson fell asleep. As far as he knows, the Bulldogs won the game ;-)
Here are some pics from the night!

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