Mar 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Top o' the Mornin to ya!!

 Today is St. Patrick's Day, and we just had to share the adorable pictures that we took of Grayson to remember his first St. Paddy's Day :-)

Mar 12, 2011

Grayson's First MSU Basketball Game

Thanks to Daddy's partners at GP and KPMG, we were able to get box seats to the SEC tournament in the GA Dome and watch our beloved bulldogs play basketball. We were a little nervous about how Grayson was going to do since the game did not start until 10:00 pm, but he was PERFECT! We actually had the entire suite to ourselves, so we were able to spread his things out so he could play. We got to the suite about 30 min before the game started, and he was able to make it about 5 min into the first half before he fell asleep. We ended up losing to Vandy by 6 points, but we were up by 6 when Grayson fell asleep. As far as he knows, the Bulldogs won the game ;-)
Here are some pics from the night!

Mar 7, 2011

Grayson's 6 month Stats

We had Grayson's 6 month checkup today, and he did great! He weighs 16 lbs 12 oz (50th Percentile), 26 and 3/4 inches long (75th percentile), and head circumference of 44cm (50th percentile). His doctor said he is growing perfectly, and is actually doing some of the things that you expect to see from a 8-9 month old. We are SO proud of our sweet baby boy!!

Mar 1, 2011

6 Months Old

My oh my where has the time gone! Grayson turned 6 months old today! Seems like yesterday I was holding my precious baby boy in my arms for the first time. He is growing and changing everyday. He is rolling in both directions and sitting up all by himself for 20-30 min at a time. He loves playing with his toys, and absolutely loves bath time. I can't believe we are getting ready to start trying a sippy cup soon as well as juice and solid foods. We attempted rice cereal and sweet potatoes about a month ago, but he was not crazy about them. So, we are going to reintroduce them after his 6 month appt next week. I have been feeling a little under the weather, so I stayed home today. I had such a great time playing with my little man. He is SO fun! I  He is learning his name and says Mama every once in a while. We are working on Dada too :-) Here are some pics to mark Grayson's 6 month birthday!
Ready for the beach and Las Vegas

Love those Baby Blues

G is for Grayson :-)

Growing up SO fast!

6 month old

Grayson with Freddie the Frog

Feb 19, 2011

Melting Pot

Here are some pics from Daddy and Grayson's first experience at the Melting Pot. We had "The Big Night Out", and it was all DELICIOUS!!

Feb 18, 2011

Pop Pop's 60th Birthday

We had a big surprise party at Keegans to celebrate my dad's 60th Birthday Friday night. Here are some pics from the evening!

Feb 14, 2011

Grayson's First Valentine's Day

Grayson had a wonderful 1st Valentine's Day!
  He helped Mommy make 2 heart shaped cakes, one for his school teachers, and the other for our sweet neighbor Tammy. He got a special delivery from his Nona, a cute teddy bear and balloon, which he LOVED. He spent almost an hour "talking" to his balloon ;-) Thank you Nona!
Daddy and Grayson  had a wonderful surprise for me when I got home from work... 3 dozen red roses and a beautiful card. We went to Elevations for dinner, and had a liquid nitrogen Godiva martini. It was SOOO good! Dinner was amazing, but the company was the BEST part of the night. No other place I would rather be than with the 2 loves of my life!